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Accreditation Program for Personnel Certification Bodies under ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024

ATTENTION: The new application for accreditation based on ISO/IEC 17024:2012 is now available. In order to receive a copy of the application form, please complete the preliminary application form PCAC-FR-503. If you have further questions, please contact DeMario Hardmon-Fort at 202.331.3640 or [email protected].

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) currently administers two accreditation programs for personnel certification agencies. The first accreditation program is based on the International Standard ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024 and the second is based on The Conference for Food Protection Accreditation Standards for certification agencies that certify food protection managers.

The process used by ANSI to accredit certification bodies is based on an international standard (ISO/IEC 17011). Adherence to a rigorous internationally recognized accreditation process ensures that the ANSI process conforms to the highest accreditation standard and represents the best practices in accreditation. ANSI is the only personnel certification accreditation body in the United States to meet nationally accepted practices for accreditation bodies.

The ANSI accreditation process involves both a review of a paper application and the performance of an assessment (onsite visit) to validate information provided by each applicant. The use of an onsite assessment for accreditation of personnel certification agencies is unique to ANSI.

Close to one million professionals currently hold certifications from organizations accredited under ANSI's personnel certification programs.

ANSI accreditation is recognized both nationally and internationally and has become the hallmark of a quality certification program.

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